Services | Pricing
basic - high obedience | $175 per session
Basic Obedience: Perfect for puppies and adult dogs alike. Basic obedience commands include sit, down, stay, come, and place. This package also includes teaching polite leash manners and rehabbing mild to moderate people/animal reactivity. Other correctable behaviors could be anything from jumping on guests or playing too rough, to separation anxiety and counter surfing.
High Obedience: Ready to take obedience to the next level? Our high obedience training is the perfect step to transition your dog from good to great. High obedience commands can include a professional heel, off-leash recall with distractions, extended sit and down stays, tracking/nose work (if applicable), handler proofed commands, and clicker training.
(full amount must be paid after first session, sessions expire 6 months after first session unless otherwise noted by trainer)
aggressive rehabilitation | $180-265 per session
Sometimes through no fault of our own, dogs become aggressive. If your dog has a history of attacking (or very strongly wanting to attack) other dogs, charging people, or you live in fear when new guests come to your home; this program is most likely built for you. We will work with you and your dog to build confidence and eliminate the aggressive behavior. We do not turn down any dog, no matter how aggressive. All aggressive dogs are trained through a mini educator e-collar (not included in session price). Click Here For Link. If the dog is human aggressive, we do require that the dog wear a basket style muzzle until we see fit to remove it. We use this particular style of muzzle so the dog can take treats and be able to eat them with the muzzle remaining on. If you already have a properly fit basket muzzle, you do not need to purchase one. If you need one, we recommend Baskerville, available here.