(NO PULL) Leash Walking Series (RELEASED NOVEMBER 1ST)

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(NO PULL) Leash Walking Series (RELEASED NOVEMBER 1ST)


The biggest struggle most owners face is teaching their dogs how to walk nicely on a leash. It’s a big struggle for some that have large breeds or just crazy sniffers and pullers. Not being able to walk on a loose leash directly worsens other behaviors like reactivity, general obedience and more.

With this series, you’ll learn how to walk a dog on a flat collar, how to operate a slip lead, how to properly size, fit and use a prong collar and how to use various methods that fit you and your dog. You will learn how to structure the walk, teaching the dog not to sniff, when to release the dog from the structured walk and more. This series guarantees an almost immediate turnaround with you and your sled dog. If you purchase the series, you can reach out for help at no cost. We will be critiquing videos and giving help if needed.

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